What to do if You Live with an Abusive Spouse

For the sake of yourself and your children you should take the following steps for a safe exit from your home.

Be Safe

Make safety your main concern while you are planning what to do in the future. Also, create a safe place for you and your children to go, such as a room with a lock or a relative, friend or neighbor’s house when help is needed.

Tell Someone What is Happening to You

Don’t be ashamed. Find out what laws can assist you in your state. Confide in your doctor, a lawyer or go to a women’s shelter to obtain information.

Make Financial Plans

Take courses where you can acquire job skills. If you are already working, set aside money for a future without your husband.

Pack Your Things

Prepare, in advance, to leave. Pack clothing, toiletries, important papers, spare car and house keys. Leave this bag at the home of someone you trust.

Generate a False Trail

Once you are in a safe place call schools, real estate agencies, employers that are in the opposite direction from where you are going. Ask questions that require them to call you back at home. This will make it appear as if you are somewhere different from where you are.

For further assistance call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224.